About Wireit



Company Size


What we do

Born during the pandemic period based in Portugal, our values are based in the new IT reality: flexibility, transparency, trust, freedom, digital and creating “Hard-Wired Partnerships” to make a difference with our collaborators and clients with trusted relations.

WIRE IT is a company specialized in IT services across the World supported by an experienced senior team driving our clients to make the best decisions.

We are also focused on contributing to a carbon-free economy, allowing for a sustainable remote work environment balanced with close relationships with our team.

For our collaborators, we provide trustworthiness and success sharing:

  • Sustainable Remote environment
  • Continuous Follow-ups and Feedback
  • Competitive salary
  • WIRE IT profit is shared with the whole team
  • 200 euros/year for Online Training

WIRE IT is divided into 3 key Areas of Expertise:

--- WIRE.NEAR ---
Located in Portugal our development center can connect your international projects to our qualified skilled team with different models to fit with your business.

  • Portuguese Market experience
  • Competitive Rate vs 100% local presence
  • Regular quality follow-ups
  • Proven Experience in IT Projects

--- WIRE.SERV ---
Providing the best solutions and services applying the best technologies and approaches.

  • Closed projects on time and budget
  • Business Intelligence projects with proven success
  • Design Thinking Methodology
  • Outsourcing to scale your internal teams

--- WIRE.UP ---
We connect the best expertise in Portugal with the best companies around the World providing direct contracts with them.

  • Grow faster with the best talent
  • Demanding Recruitment process
  • Competitive hiring fee
  • Umbrella company possibility

Why Work For Us

Our Culture

Our Engineering Processes

Our Hiring Process

Tech Stack

Application and Data

.Net Core 2.0

