About Innereality



Buitenzorg Stables Pagasvlei Rd, Constantia, Cape Town, 7806

Company Size


About us:

Inner Reality Ltd – Virtually, anything is possible with the world’s only cloud-based virtual asset token (VAT) platform.
We help to connect digital and real-life experiences and our mission is to create powerful digital audience engagement, in the true metaverse, that drives scale, awareness, understanding, loyalty and sales.
We use a web app to deliver location-specific AR interaction with anyone, at any time and any scale.
The campaigns can be dynamically controlled and optimized in real-time for maximum marketing performance.

The IRL platform can be used for a huge variety of campaign needs.
From promotional campaigns to virtual NFT drops.
From virtual treasure hunts to loyalty programs.
From event experiences to instore engagements.
The intelligent geo-location platform allows us to drop virtual assets at any location, including at home, at work, instore, at events, at leisure.
Because our solutions are virtual and digital, the creative opportunities are infinite.. Virtually, anything is possible.
Our powerful campaign manager allows us to create instant wins, prize draws, digital discount vouchers, free samples, entry tickets, loyalty points, collectibles, shareables…you name it and our platform can deliver it.
The smart back-end solution allows for multi-format redemption techniques including EPOS, e-commerce, barcodes, vouchers codes, scan and click to redeem.

The interview process:

Our interview process is like a rollercoaster ride. You start with the intro call, which is like the slow climb to the top. Then, the technical interview is like the heart-pumping, stomach-churning loop-de-loop. The in-person or online meeting with our COO and CEO is like the scenic part of the ride, where you can catch your breath and take in the view. And the final decision is like the smooth descent back to reality, where we'll either offer you the job or leave you with motion sickness.
Please make sure you have access to a computer that has internet access, that you can code on and share screen.

Free snacks and drinks
Stunning working space
No Dress Code
Parking Bay
Flexible working hours
Part-time remote working available
Tech Stack

Application and Data

Amazon Web Services


Azure DevOps


Google Analytics

Business Tools

Microsoft Sharepoint
Microsoft Teams
Our Offices
Access to the wine farm that is on our office border