About Fynch Smart Mobility


De Corridor 5c Breukelen, Utrecht 3621 ZA NL

Company Size


Fynch stands for being free as a bird and going anywhere you like, whenever and however you like. The English word is actually spelt 'finch'. A finch moves freely through the air. A little happy bird that knows exactly what it wants. We turned finch into Fynch to give it our own twist. On this page you can read all about who we are and what we want to accomplish.

Our vision is carefree and clean mobility for everyone. The Fynch Smart Mobility program motivates people to make different choices in their travel behaviour. In this way, we strive for an emission free world, excellent accessibility and availability for everyone.

We see a world that is smart and sustainable, that has compact cities with optimal flows of people and goods. We strive for an attractive, livable and easily accessible areas and villages where mobility is the link between living, working and leisure.

Our mission is to encourage travelers to travel smarter and more sustainably. We are going to achieve this by offering tools which facilitate, provide insight, challenge and reward. Mobility causes more than a quarter of all CO2 emissions. By making small changes in our behaviour, we can generate a huge impact right now!

Behavioural change using the OBM method
Fynch wants to encourage new behaviour. The Fynch approach is based on Organisational Behaviour Management (OBM). OBM is a practical and scientifically-based method for bringing about structural and lasting behavioural change. To accomplish this, Fynch is being assisted by VU Amsterdam (VU Adriba).

For a better planet
Flexible hours
Frequent team activities
Tech Stack

Application and Data

Google Cloud Platform