About Datora


35 Ballyclare drive, Bryanston, Sandton, 2021

Company Size


Why Work For Us? Because of our culture

At Datora we believe that your work shouldn’t be a job, and what you do every day should be challenging, fun, creative and a home away from home. By giving our team members the ability to work as individuals, but part of a team, a work-family where you can share ideas, work together, brainstorm problems, have a laugh, have a cry, even a rant (after you made sure you put the phone down!), a place where you have the power to make decisions that make a difference.
We believe in trust, transparency, being open about your ideas and opinions, delivering amazing and “out-of-the-box” thinking solutions, professionalism and having the desire to take the lead. We only want the best of best join us, people that aren’t afraid to take ownership of projects, people that have ambitions to grow and the desire to become Managers and Directors because these are the people that have the ability to think and reason in a way that leads to growth in our business. A collective team of powerful, creative, ambitious and unique minds, together creating a company we call Datora.

Our industry in a nutshell

Taking advantage of development in artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Who we are and what we do

Datora was started in 2011 as a small Business intelligence & analytics services company servicing primarily the Banking industry. In 2017 we moved into the Robotic Process Automation and AI sector and from there we have grown and evolved into what is now known as Datora Robotics. a Leader in the Robotic Process Automation and the emerging technology development and advisory services in Africa. With our client portfolio spanning over all industries, with clients such as the JSE, Grindrod, American Tower Corporation and Mac Robert Attorneys, not one day is the same and not one day is boring. We have built our business by building trust, confidence and honesty, and we do the same with everyone that joins our team. We believe in developing outstanding leaders who team together to deliver on our promises to our clients.

Will you fit in?

You’re one of us if..

  • You can be trusted with each one of our lives
  • You don’t want to just be another number or employee
  • You’re interested in new ways of working
  • You act and behave like a leader and manager
  • You take initiative and don’t wait to be told what to do at the start of each day
  • You take pride in the elegance of your code & work, and you are accountable for its quality
  • You want more than doing the same thing all day, every day
  • You have a range of dev skills, and can think outside the confines of a single language
  • You strive for expertise in the languages you know by internalising and implementing best practice
  • You share your experience and experiments with your colleagues
  • You are turned on by a business or creative problem that needs a unique solution
  • You will solve that problem until it begs for mercy
  • You believe in process, not red tape
  • You’re agile and adaptable
  • You don’t want a job, you want a passion
  • You want someone to think of you as a mentor
  • You will never stop learning
  • You value mutually-respectful relationships with your colleagues
  • You loathe stagnation
  • You identify emerging languages, software, ideas and approaches to what we do, and you investigate whether they will make you a better team member

Our Hiring Process

Qualifications and experience don't mean you're automatically the right fit for our team. Our culture and how we work requires people that have ambition, can manage themselves, think and act with authority and confidence in their abilities and skills, passionate about what they do and that means they are always willing to learn and grow, and no matter what, be able to work as hard as we play.

We believe that hiring the right type of person goes hand-in-hand with the right skill set, and as such, we follow a 2 step interview process.

During the 1st interview, technical know-how and experience are evaluated. This interview will be conducted by our CTO, who has more than 20 years experience development and development, as well as one of our senior developers.
The second interview is conducted by our CEO and focusses less on technical ability and more on personality, a way of thinking and career objectives.

Performance bonuses
No dress code
Salary structuring for tax
Remote working
Study support and funding programs
Flexible working hours
Flexible leave policy
Office recreation centre
Secure basement parking bay
Profit share options
Tech Stack

Application and Data

Microsoft Azure
.NET Core


Team Foundation Server
Azure DevOps


Power BI

Business Tools

Microsoft Sharepoint
Microsoft Teams