Topic: hiring tips and insights
Beyond the CV: Skills-based hiring for developers
In a recent panel discussion we unpacked skills-based hiring best practices that hiring managers can implement to identify and hire developers.
by Alexandra Hanson
Less noise, more data. Get the biggest data report on software developer careers in South Africa.
Topic: hiring tips and insights
In a recent panel discussion we unpacked skills-based hiring best practices that hiring managers can implement to identify and hire developers.
by Alexandra Hanson
Topic: tech career insights
Here, we explore how AI’s role in freeing up extra dev capacity is the secret to its productivity impacts.
by Josh Nel
Topic: tech career insights
Here, Nic Botes chatted with Mike Davis, about how AI can help tech teams do more with fewer resources and the challenges and opportunities these tools bring for businesses.
by Nikki Smith
Topic: tech career insights
In this article, we explore two possible reasons why PHP developers earn lower average salaries – the industries and company sizes where they developers commonly work.
by Josh Nel
Topic: salaries
Learn what junior and senior ASP.Net developers earn in South Africa. Find the average ASP.Net developer salary in 2024.
by Josh Nel
Topic: salaries
Learn what junior and senior SQL developers earn in South Africa. Find the average SQL developer salary in 2024.
by Josh Nel
Topic: tech career insights
Learn what junior and senior Ruby developers earn in South Africa. Find the average Ruby developer salary in 2024.
by Josh Nel
Topic: tech career insights
Learn what Python developers earn in South Africa. Find the average salary for junior and senior Python developers in 2024.
by Josh Nel
Topic: tech career insights
Here, we unpack data on South African CompSci graduates from 2000 to 2021.
by Philip Joubert
Topic: tech career insights
Learn what React developers earn in South Africa. Find the average salary for junior and senior React developers in 2024.
by Josh Nel
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