About Temper


John M Keynesplein 12 Amsterdam, 1066EP NL

Company Size


About Temper

Want to help tens of thousands of people adjust work to their life instead of the other way around? Want to write the best possible code to help us support our growth? We have a seat available for you!

We are on a mission to make the labor market more fair, accessible, and efficient by transforming it through technology. The next generation of workers wants to be able to work at the tap of a button. With more flexibility, better earnings, and more control. And that is exactly what our tech-enabled shift-based platform provides.

We empower people with opportunity.

Best of all: we are just getting started. Over the past few years, we have proven our product works in the Netherlands, and we just launched in the UK! We are preparing for more international expansion. We are rebuilding our service stack to offer a product that works seamlessly at scale—using cutting-edge technology to improve every aspect of our business.

At Temper, you have the opportunity to make an impact. One of our most important values is that we all own it (quite literally, as you will see in our equity plan). This means we ask you to step up and take responsibility to bring Temper to the next level. In the end, we will only be successful as long as we have a relentless focus on our users. We pride ourselves in saying that we always do it for them.

Our unique culture is embodied by the incredible talent that has joined over the past years. A diverse bunch of people (25 different nationalities), some of which work from our office with a bar in Amsterdam while others work fully remotely (8 countries and counting!). Ask them during the process what they believe makes working at Temper so rewarding.

What we think you might especially enjoy when joining Temper at this time:

  • This will be one hell of a ride! We're about to expand to different verticals and countries by the end of the year and this is where we need your expertise. What you will be building is the foundation of our growth for the years to come. With everything we do, we have to take scalability into account.
  • At Temper, we’re always trying to improve our codebase; that is why we love to write well-tested code and are currently transitioning our codebase to Domain Driven Design. We need your help to make us thrive and deliver the best code possible.
  • If your current employment is not giving you a chance to deliver the best code, but you are eager to do so, come do it here. PS. You'll get the opportunity to learn from our experienced developers, who make great teachers.
  • Our product is having a hugely positive effect on people's everyday lives! We are enabling people to take more control over their lives. It's incredible to hear how people changed their lives because of our platform.
Winning mentality
Flexible working hours
Unlimited vacation days
Autonomy in teams
Growth Personal Budget
Equity incentive package
Remote Working
Catered daily lunch
WFH allowance
Home office budget
Tech Stack

Application and Data





Google Analytics

Business Tools

Google Apps