About Speak Geek?



118 14th Avenue

Company Size


What we do

Speak Geek? is a South African technology start-up driven by a combination of both youth and experience. We not only offer high quality service in the IT industry but also combine our creativity and experience to re-engineer and innovate new solutions to meet client needs.

We have been described as a “One-stop technology shop” and pride ourselves on the fact that Speak Geek? can be seen as a go to company for every development related query with no limitations on technologies used to create solutions.

Our Culture

We have a casual work environment in our development house. Most of the dev team works as well as live in the dev house but it is not a prerequisite for our team to live there. We are unrepentant geeks, so you’ll have to forgive us for that.

We encourage individuals to explore new technologies to better themselves, as well as to enlighten the team on more efficient solutions to our tech stack and workflow, moving forward as a team.

You will be working on a variety of different projects and as you will be in a position where we will be challenging your intellect and pushing you to further your experience and skill.
We pride ourselves on being milestone and deadline oriented and always like to exceed customer expectations.

Our Engineering Processes

Most, if not all of our work, is custom software development and we generally work on projects that are new and challenging to our team. Customers often come to us if they have reached a dead end in their internal development and do not have the expertise to continue.

Our general process can be described as:

  • Compiling appropriate scope documentation (a notion card set/document),
  • Compiling design documentation (where appropriate)
  • Kickoff and Project tracking on cards
  • Daily Check-ins internally and weekly client Check-ins
  • Signoff and Handover

Our Hiring Process

This is what you can expect when interviewing with us.

Our interviews are as much a technological prowess and experience evaluation as it is a meet and greet and personality match evaluation.

So expect some fun questions, some hard questions and some discourse on related and unrelated topics. It will be informal

Our interview process has the following stages:

  1. Digital Meet & Greet
  2. Onsite interview
  3. Technical assessment
  4. Onboarding

A bit more about the technical assessment:

Our technical assessment isn’t based on Leetcode or similar “puzzle” code testing methodologies, mostly because we also find those laborious and probably wouldn’t pass them either.

Our approach to dev is getting functional code fast and iterating it with users. Our assessment matches that.

During the process, you are likely to meet the following members of our team:

We have a small team of 8 so you are likely to meet everyone in the office. Most of our names start with a D so feel free to mess up our names.

What will they be looking for?

Attitude. A willingness to learn and a track record of producing results through concerted effort and consistent action.

How to make a good first impression:

Just be yourself.

How long does our interview process usually take, from first call to offer stage?

It is an urgent position for a large client project. As such you can expect that we will let you know if you did or didn’t get the position in approximately 1 week.

If you need any additional information on our interview process, please reach out to us directly.

Alternatively, please don’t take a look at our careers page to get to know us better as we all know those are never really up to date no matter how you try.

Flexible Hours
Remote Working
No Dress Code
Tech Stack

Application and Data




Business Tools
