About Snakker



70B Glentevej

Company Size


What we do

We are an enterprise SaaS technology start-up on a mission to radically change the way in which Pharma and Life Science organizations sell, market, and communicate digitally. We work with some of the world's largest pharmaceutical organizations and are rapidly expanding our market share into medical equipment and associated industries.

Why Work For Us

  • Extreme growth opportunities
  • Competitive salary and a chance to build something which is also fun to use
  • The thrill of working with some of the biggest brands in Pharma
  • Open, social, and inclusive working environment - and yes we do party from time to time
  • A meaningful purpose. Revolutionizing the way big Pharma communicates to make society’s healthcare practices better
  • Fully remote development working arrangement - CET timezone overlap helps but we have colleagues in multiple time zones

Our Culture

We are an innovative, multicultural, and forward-thinking company that places an emphasis on fostering a work environment that harbors these values to the benefit of our customers and the industry in which they operate.

Our Hiring Process

This is what you can expect when interviewing with us.
Our interview process has the following stages:

A bit more about the technical assessment:

During the process, you are likely to meet the following members of our team:

What will they be looking for?

How to make a good first impression:

How long does our interview process usually take, from first call to offer stage?

If you need any additional information on our interview process, please reach out to us directly.
Alternatively, please take a look at our careers page to get to know us better.

Perks and Benefits

  • Flexible working hours. Time is precious. Make it count. Morning person or night owl, this job is for you
  • Remote work allowed. You know how you perform best. Work from your couch, your favorite cafe or abroad when you feel like it
Remote First Work Environment
Tech Stack

Application and Data


