About PPT Group



Cape Town, South Africa

Company Size


What we do

PPT Group is a motivated team of individuals driven to solve complex problems that add value to our cilents. We pride ourselves in doing World-Class work.

Real-world tangible, moving the needle, results. We are motivated to execute solutions not just talk about them. We have operated with both local and international leading brands on strategy development through to implementation and digital solutions.

We do not consider that just having expertise is sufficient, we believe that it is our determination, enthusiasm and sheer enjoyment of what we do that allows us to offer our clients a holistic and rewarding experience. It’s built into our DNA.

Making us not just thinkers, but doers; not just advisors, but achievers.

Why Work For Us

Our team has the experience and expertise to design and implement solutions that unlock real value for our broad range of customers. We do this by helping brands navigate all facets of the digital landscape to deliver tangible business results.

We understand that digital is a culture, not a technology deployment. Our digital business strategies are underpinned by digital operating models and powered by the appropriate people, processes and technology.

We work with leading brands and technology across various industries and have been executing on AI strategies and implementation with large international brands to build out practical and executable solutions for our customers.

PPT is building a in house development service on the back of the success that has been achieved, specifically around AI solutions for our clients.

Our Culture

We focus on results, and thrive in solving problems. We are fully remote and execute on projects across South Africa and the UK. We have an open leave policy as we believe that the humans in the business are our greatest asset. This approach allows us to attract top talent from diverse backgrounds and create a collaborative and innovative environment that drives success in the technology and management consulting field.

We have a strong focus on team work and collaboration to help build you solutions that are best fit for our clients.

We value complete transparency in our work. We display uncommon honesty and value constructive feedback.

Quite simply, we do what we say. We work hard to deliver value in everything we do and we are not afraid to fail.

We value teamwork, networks and partnerships. We shun silos and empire building. We believe collaboration leads to better results.

The problems we solve and the work we do is difficult, which requires us to be courageous. We own our mistakes, we fix them and move forward.

Continuous Learning
We are dedicated to continuous learning to build our knowledge to enable us to serve you better. We don't know what we don't know, so we try to build our knowledge base everyday.

We reward good work and cultural fit. We purposefully maintain a flat structure in our business. We are laser focused on outputs.

Our Engineering Processes

We building this out and looking for you to help us in this process. Its an opportunity to create the engineering processes from scratch.

Our Hiring Process

We like to keep it simple. A quick coffee intro chat works well (lets see if we can work together) if we are both excited about the opportunity we have a more in depth discussion (typically 2 sessions), lately a competency based assessment (want to ensure that the skills and capabilities are well aligned and you will enjoy the working environment)

Unlimited Leave
Remote Work
International clients
Flat structure
Opportunity to build your own engineering framework
Tech Stack

Application and Data

.Net Core 2.0
AI Platform
.NET Core


Azure DevOps
Visual Studio

Business Tools

Microsoft Sharepoint
Microsoft Teams