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Topic: hiring tips and insights

3 pro-AI strategies to evaluate dev skills in your tech assessment

Here, we unpack how AI impacts dev skills and three ways companies can respond to ensure they get the best holistic understanding of candidates’ skills.

by Josh Nel

Topic: hiring tips and insights

Lessons in finding the right candidates for your role

We unpack the common mistakes, wins and valuable lessons our team has learnt from helping companies and developers navigate the tech hiring market.

by Nikki Smith

Topic: tech career insights

AI isn’t driving innovation alone, it’s giving developers the capacity they need to do high-impact work

Here, we explore how AI’s role in freeing up extra dev capacity is the secret to its productivity impacts.

by Josh Nel

Topic: hiring tips and insights

AI and developer interviews – obstacle or opportunity?

Karin Bothma and Harley Ferguson, Co-founder and CEO at Origen Software, discuss how tech businesses can revamp their hiring processes to accurately and effectively assess developers’ skills with AI.

by Nikki Smith

Topic: hiring tips and insights

Developers are overlooking soft skills in interviews

Here, we explore the data behind the soft skills divide and how a transparent hiring process can prevent it.

by Josh Nel

Topic: tech career insights

Is AI your next secret weapon for developer productivity?

Here, Nic Botes chatted with Mike Davis, about how AI can help tech teams do more with fewer resources and the challenges and opportunities these tools bring for businesses.

by Nikki Smith

Topic: tech career insights

2 reasons why PHP developers earn lower average salaries that have nothing to do with PHP

In this article, we explore two possible reasons why PHP developers earn lower average salaries – the industries and company sizes where they developers commonly work.

by Josh Nel

Topic: hiring tips and insights

Remote Realities: What does dev team culture mean now?

Here, we discuss what culture looks like in a remote environment and how to lead productive teams across borders.

by Alexandra Hanson

Topic: salaries

ASP.Net Developer Salary Trends in South Africa

Learn what junior and senior ASP.Net developers earn in South Africa. Find the average ASP.Net developer salary in 2024.

by Josh Nel

Topic: salaries

SQL Developer Salary Trends in South Africa

Learn what junior and senior SQL developers earn in South Africa. Find the average SQL developer salary in 2024.

by Josh Nel

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