About TransFICC



120 Moorgate, London

Company Size


What we do

TransFICC is an e-trading technology company, providing connectivity and workflow solutions for banks and asset managers operating in the Fixed Income and Derivatives markets.

Its "One API for eTrading"​ product provides clients with an alternative to maintaining connectivity with multiple e-trading venues. By delivering low-latency, scalable and secure connectivity, TransFICC resolves the issues of market fragmentation, market data throughput, and increased regulation.

TransFICC does three things:

  • It translates Execution Venue API’s to a single API. Clients connect once to TransFICC's unified API, and TransFICC manages connectivity with the electronic venues from that point.

  • It uses low-latency, scalable and secure technology, essential to keep pace with price updates and not get beaten to a trade by high frequency trading firms.

  • It provides timestamps for price and order messages. Measured in microseconds, timestamps record when data arrives at the bank or asset manager, helping to provide an audit trail, which supports Best Execution.

Our culture

Communication: Everyone is part of the team and we communicate with each other on a daily basis, working together on requirements to code and resolve technical problems in a collaborative manner. Management is approachable, and aims to share information with the wider team whenever possible.

Collaboration: We write software for customers, and need to walk the distance in the customer's shoes. We don't make decisions based on titles or chains of command; we collaborate, test, and do the right thing. We cherish diversity as people from different backgrounds, experiences, and walks of life bring different perspectives to problems (and their solutions).

Feedback: We demonstrate our software early and often, with both stakeholders and customers (wherever possible). We listen carefully to what they say and make changes when needed. We provide constructive feedback, both positive and negative, in a motivating manner. We want people to learn and be productive!

Respect: Everyone gives and feels the respect they deserve as a valued team member, respecting the expertise of people in other departments: developers respect the expertise of customers (and vice versa) for example. Management respects the team’s right to act in an autonomous manner. We believe in having a Just Culture, where we make an effort to balance safety and accountability.

Courage and Honesty: We value the truth about progress and estimates. We don't fear anything because no one ever works alone. We will adapt to changes whenever they happen. We believe it is important that an individual can provide details of an incident (be it an outage, actions taken or some other failure) without fear of punishment or judgement.

Diversity: We value, and are committed to, equality and diversity within the workforce (reinforced by the values stated above), and embed this in our day-to-day working practices with all our customers, colleagues and partners. We provide equality of opportunity and will not tolerate discrimination on grounds of gender, gender identity, marital status, sexual orientation, race, colour, nationality, religion, age, disability, or any other grounds.

Positive Working Environment: Whilst we are committed to our customers and work hard, we also believe in having fun and having a relaxed working environment. We worked hard to adapt to working successfully during Covid restrictions whilst not diluting our commitment to our values and working ways including virtual socialising. Click here to read more about how we achieved this and lessons learnt:


We’ve reviewed our ways of working and have moved towards a more flexible working environment. We have taken the best of the principles of a Remote First business and blended with the flexibility of retaining an office to allow staff to choose where to work from for much of their working week.

Our hiring process

Short, straightforward hiring process. 3-4 weeks turnaround.

Our interview process has the following stages:

  1. Initial Screen: with the TA to learn more about the role and following stages. 30 minutes.
  2. Technical Screen: with a Tech Lead, more focused on JVM, CI/CD, Infrastructure and networking questions. 1 hour.
  3. Pairing Interview: technical challenge. TDD/Modeling rather than DS&Algo. We want to see how it is to pair-program with you, how you communicate and how you problem-solve, and of course, how you write your tests! 90m challenge + 90m discussion.

During the process, you are likely to meet the following members of our team: TA, Tech Leads, Founders.

If you need any additional information on our interview process, please reach out to us directly. Alternatively, please take a look at our careers page to get to know us better.

Medical and Dental
Maternity, Paternity, Shared parental leave policies
Life Insurance scheme
Cycle to Work scheme
Tech Stack

Application and Data
