About SurePay



Nicolaas Beetsstraat 222 Utrecht, 3511 NL

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SurePay makes payment easier, more personal and even more secure. We are a Fintech company, with the most well known product being the IBAN-Name Check, also known internationally as Confirmation of Payee. This product is purchased by almost all banks in the Netherlands, but also by major insurers, lenders, ministries and government agencies.

In total we have already carried out more than 3 Billion checks. Since we went live with IBAN-Name Check, the number of invoice fraud via transfers to Dutch IBANs has decreased by no less than 81%.

SurePay stems from an innovation program of Rabobank, started in July 2016 and has been an independent BV since the beginning of 2020. SurePay is currently in the transition from startup to scale-up; we are engaged in the international roll-out of our services. In England we now have a foothold and we check 25% of all payments. Other countries are in the pipeline. We are currently working with 3 scrum teams and a business / sales team on our ambitious growth goals.