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Why OfferZen is Making Documentaries about Open-source Tech

4 February 2022 , by Stephen van der Heijden

We're creating documentaries to tell the tech stories that inspire people to keep creating and learning, and ultimately, unlock more potential in both themselves and software. Check out the YouTube Channel

OfferZen's mission has always been to help people unlock their potential. We believe that software is a unique multiplier of potential that can help solve the most important challenges of the future. That's why we focus on helping software developers to:

  • Get jobs at cool companies they may not have even known existed, at salaries that they deserve
  • Understand their worth and position in the industry with our reports
  • Build the tech teams they need to make a difference in the world
  • Become great mentors or level up through mentorship
  • Share their knowledge on our blog
  • Be part of a thriving community of 100 000+ devs (with even cooler swag)

We know from our community that developers see coding as a creative craft; they genuinely love to code, and prioritise growth and learning above many other things in their career.

This kind of love and care is essential to thriving in a creative craft. Inspired people find better solutions, create more epic things and build better software.

That's why we launched OfferZen Origins: We want to tell the stories behind the world’s most popular open-source technologies and the people behind them. They are great examples of the incredible impact that unlocking potential in the software developer community can have: Small groups of individuals with vision and passion are driving the creation of some of the most widely used technologies on our planet – essentially powering huge parts of our society.

OfferZen Origins Documentary Series YouTube

There are so many stories like these in the tech community. We are excited to be able to do our part to help tell them and hope to inspire other software makers to keep learning and creating and, ultimately, unlocking more parts of their potential.

We plan to share documentaries about open-source technologies, spin-off stories featuring open-source heroes, and behind-the-scenes footage. We hope that you’ll join us on our YouTube channel and let us know what you think!

P.S. We’re new at this, but we’re determined to do this in service of the community and the creators. If you have any feedback, suggestions, or questions, please drop a comment on our YouTube Channel!

🍿 If you want to make sure you don't miss our upcoming Laravel documentary, you can register for the premiere:

Laravel Origins Documentary Premiere

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